The red sandstone building overlooking Bruntsfield Links was home to James Gillespie’s High School for 52 years, from 1914 to 1966. It is now used by Edinburgh University as student residences and so we have had no access to it for many years. However in April the Accommodation Officer for Edinburgh University student residences very kindly facilitated a visit to the building by alumni. As you can imagine, although we only had access to the stairs & corridors, the visit rekindled many memories of time spent there.

The icing on the gingerbread was an invitation from the new James Gillespie’s High School to call in for refreshments and a chat, with some S1 pupils taking the alumni round their own new school building. A learning experience for everyone! Sheila Donaldson brought photos with her of her time in primary and in secondary. Thanks for sharing them, Sheila!