James Gillespie’s School news

Each week the Head Teacher, Neil McCallum, publishes a HT Friday update for staff, pupils, parents and carers. Some of the items are school-specific and some relate to the wider JGHS community. This page will feature items that might be of interest to that wider community, Trust members and JGHS Alumni.

Darroch Annexe – Gardening Equipment Donations Sought

The newly installed Polycrub at the Darroch Annexe has provided the school with a wealth of educational opportunities for students to learn about planting, growing and harvesting, as well as teamwork, resilience and patience. Do you have any surplus gardening equipment/supplies such as topsoil or old plant pots that you would be willing to donate? They would be put to good use by budding gardeners and biologists. Please contact Donna MacIver, DHT (GME) – donna.maciver@jamesgillespies.edin.sch.uk

S4/5 European Youth Parliament

James Gillespie’s Trust Funding was awarded towards the travel and accommodation for
9 students on the Model United Nations Team to attend the National Finals in Liverpool on 7/8 September 2024 – we wish them every success at the competition.

1.5Max Global Schools Climate Summit

20 students from James Gillespie’s, led by Mr Roderick, took part in the 1.5Max Climate Summit on Wednesday 22 May 2024. They connected with 30 schools from across Scotland, Nepal, Malawi and Bangladesh, developing a project to solve a climate-related problem and getting feedback from experts on how to make this a success.

Renamed paths on Bruntsfield Links.

Two of the JGHS buildings were named by pupils after prominent local individuals, one with a close connection to the school, former pupil and author Muriel Spark, and athlete Eric Liddell who represented Edinburgh, Scotland and GB at the 1924 Olympics. The Muriel Spark Building and the Eric Liddell Building. Both individuals also now have paths on Bruntsfield Links named after them.  The Muriel Spark Walk and the Eric Liddell Way. Photographs of the Muriel Spark Walk opening and the Muriel Spark Book Event in 2018.

Bruntsfield Links Tree Planting

If you have walked through Bruntsfield Links recently you may have seen some of the hundreds of trees that have been planted by youngsters from JGHS and the surrounding primary schools, aided by staff from the Parks department and volunteers from the Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links.
They have been planting only native species such as hawthorn, rowan, alder and oak. The trees are planted close together in order to form a better habitat for birds, mammals and pollinators as well as to provide a wind break and to cut down on noise pollution from the road.
On 17 May 2024 notice was given that there are now 3 noticeboards in the lInks displaying posters produced by pupils from James Gillespie’s High School and Bruntsfield Primary School. The posters give information about how the trees will improve quality of live and biodiversity while combatting climate change.

© Copyright 2025 James Gillespie's Trust. Registered charity number SC022811.