JGHS 1968-1974 Reunion

Shockingly, next year, 50 years will have passed since the 1968 S1s at James Gillespie’s High School for Girls left sixth year. An informal reunion is planned for Saturday 27th April 2024 in the afternoon, somewhere in central Edinburgh.
Planning is in the early stages but it seemed important to get a date before the festive season when people may be getting in touch, and holidays being planned.
I’m hoping to get a wee group together (maybe one from each house) to collate the names of people that are interested in finding out more and also who have contact details for others. There will be many more decisions and help needed I’m sure!
Please email me Sheila Wragg at alumni@jamesgillespiestrust.com with ‘JGHS Reunion 68-74’ in the title:

  • if you would like to be kept in touch about the reunion
  • with the names of people you have been able to pass  this information on to
  • would like to be involved in the planning (no matter how small a role you would be able to play)

Even if you can’t come, please get in touch.
Hope to hear from you and see you in April.
Best wishes, Sheila

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