Staff Funding Requests

Staff Funding Requests to disburse funds to realisable staff projects. This scheme will account for no more than 20% of the Trust’s assets in any year, in grants of up to £3,000.

It is a condition of funding that the recipient provides some feedback from their project for the Trust to use on their website and social media.

Applications for a Staff Funding Request must be sent directly to James Gillespie’s Trust ( for consideration no less than two weeks before a Trust meeting. For this school year (2024-25), the Trust meeting dates are:

  • Tuesday 1 October 2024
  • Tuesday 12 November 2024
  • January/February 2025
  • May/June 2025

You can download the application form and guidelines here:

© Copyright 2024 James Gillespie's Trust. Registered charity number SC022811.